Myopia is a common refractive error. It primarily manifests as blurred vision over long distances, although in more severe cases, intermediate distances are also blurred. This is because in the transparent media (the cornea and lens) in the myopic eye bends light too much for the axial length of the eyeball. In the myopic eye, images of distant objects are formed before reaching the retina, leading to a blurred retinal image.   The degree of impairment is measured in dioptres, with a greater value corresponding to a more blurred image.

Myopia often occurs in association with other refractive errors such as astigmatism. It is then technically called compound myopic astigmatism.

The appearance of floaters is one of the most common eye complaints associated with myopia. These are floating dots or fibrils which move when the eye moves. They can be seen more clearly in bright light with a light background. They are produced by changes in the vitreous fibrillar structure, leading to the formation of lumps or condensation. They do not imply any disease.

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We can classify myopia in two groups:

  • Simple myopia is the most common. It usually stabilises at around 18 years of age and can be accompanied by headaches and minor eye disorders such as eye irritation and eye strain.
  • Miopia magna is characterised by having a high optical power, greater progression of the complaint and more severe associated eye complaints, such as vitreoretinal lesions.

Myopia is corrected using glasses and contact lenses.  Modern laser visual correction techniques and intraocular lens implants for high-degree myopia solve the associate refractive defects, leading to natural, good-quality vision, free of glasses and contact lenses.

There are various myopia laser surgery options.   At Clínicas Visióndiez, we analyse your eye characteristics and advise you on the best way to solve your myopia.