How long does the cataract surgery last? What is the recovery like?

Below we provide you with useful information and recommendations regarding cataract surgery.

Before the cataract surgery it is needed:

Exact diagnosis:

In order to get the best results it is necessary to perform an except pre-op diagnosis in order to detect any other possible ocular condition. Only in this way can we adopt the necessary therapeutic measures (before, during and after the surgery) that ensure the success of the procedure.

High precision measure of the Intraocular lens:

The blurred crystalline lens will be replaced by an artificial lens (intraocular lens). In order to achieve the best possible vision it is fundamental to precisely calculate the dioptre of the intraocular lens. If a lens with more dioptres than needed is implanted, the eye will be short-sighted. If a lens with less dioptres than needed is implanted, the eye will be long-sighted.

The importance of precision in the calculation of the intraocular lens is even greater in the case of intraocular Premium lenses («Advanced technology lenses able to correct presbyopia, astigmatism and higher order aberrations to see well without glasses at all distances and in any situation with ambient lighting «).

How is this high measurement accuracy achieved?

To achieve greater accuracy in the calculation of the intraocular lens, biometric equipment with optical coherence technology or interferometry is required, which also incorporate Ray-Tracing calculation methodology.

Cataract surgery phases:

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures. It is an ambulatory technique (requiring no hospitalization), completely painless and it takes only a few minutes. Recovery is very fast, allowing an early return to daily tasks.

Before surgery:

Shortly before the operation, we will apply eye drops with antibiotic to dilate the pupil.

Just before starting, the eye will be irrigated with abundant antiseptic  (to sanitize eyelids, eyelashes and conjunctival fornices) and then we will put eye drops with anaesthetic on your eye.

During surgery:

During the few minutes that the surgery takes place, the eyelids will be held by a clamp. The patient will only see a light source without being able to make out the details of what is happening. The eye will be continuously lubricated with anaesthetic drops. You will not feel any pain.

The femtosecond laser, which is guided by OCT imaging systems, will perform the corneal micro incision, the capsulorhexis (circular anterior lens capsule opening) and will dissolve the cataract.

Then we will proceed to suck the cataracts, placing the previously selected intraocular lens.

The corneal micro incision will not need stitches, thanks to its small size and valved architecture-closing effect due to the intraocular pressure.

After the surgery:

When the surgery is over, you will exit the operating theatre on your own feet with your eyes uncovered.

During the first hours your eyesight will be slightly blurred and it is normal if you feel minor discomfort and itching as well as the feeling of having a foreign body inside you.

The day after the operation you will be much better, with virtually no discomfort and with much clearer view, being able to soon return to normal duties.

Useful Advice for Post-Op Cataract Surgery:

  • During the first days do not tub your eyes, and after showers make sure you dry your face gently, without too much pressure.
  • You will be able to force your eyesight since you feel you can see better, it won’t hurt if you watch TV, read, drive or use the computer.
  • You should move carefully and avoid heavy physical exercises during the first 48 hours, although you can crouch and carry light packages (up to 8 Kg.) from the first moment after the surgery.
  • It is very important to put eye drops as often as you are indicated as well as the use of goggles when exposed to the Sun or during windy days.
  • Your vision will improve gradually; it is normal to experience small variations during the recovery period.
  • Attend all postoperative examinations, even if you feel well and think that are not necessary.